Take a break, you need it. This evening, when you've got all your extra work finished, dinner cleaned up, the lawn mowed, the gardens weeded, the trash at the curb, kids bathed and put to bed...or whatever else occupies your evening. Take a break, a break just for you. Now this post my not interest some men, but girls, I know that you can't resist a little Jane Austen. My personal favourite is Persuasion. I would have always said that my favourite was Sense and Sensibility but now Persuasion has made it to the top of the list. Now, find a nice cozy spot in your home. Light a candle, prepare a cup of herbal tea and put it in your fanciest tea cup with a saucer. On a small dish add a nice truffle (the lavender truffle is perfect with herbal tea) and sit and enjoy. A little quiet reading, a nice cup of tea and a decadent piece of chocolate makes the world melt away! Oh, Mr. Darcy...